Shipping Policy

Shipping policy

We Are Proud To Offer International Shipping Services That Currently Operate in 200 Countries Worldwide. Nothing Means More To Us Than Bringing Our Customers Great Value & Service.

We Continuously Grow To Meet the Needs Of All Our Customers, Striving To Deliver the Best Quality Service and Exceed Expectations Anywhere In the World.

You Can Find Some Of The Most Commonly Asked Questions Below.


How Long Does It Take To Process My Order?

Order Processing Usually Takes Between 3-5 Working Days. Due to Occasional Large Demands These May Vary.


How Do You Ship Packages?

Packages From Our International Warehouse Are Shipped by ePacket Or Similar Fast Shipping Provider Depending On The Weight and Quantity Of the Order.


What About the Delays Due To the Pandemic?

Indeed the Pandemic Has Completely Changed the Outlook Of How the World Operates. We Experience Some Slight Delays When Shipping To Certain Countries So Please Be Bare With Us.


Do You Ship Worldwide?

Yes, We Do. We Provide Shipping To Over 200 Countries Worldwide.


What About Customs?

As the Customs Are an Entity Of It's Own With Their Own Rules and Regulations, We Are Not Responsible For Any Custom Fees Which Might Occur Once The Product Has Been Shipped. By Purchasing Our Products You Consent That One Or More Packages May Be Shipped To You and Occur Custom Fees When They Arrive To The Country Of Purchase.


How Long Does The Shipping Process Usually Take?

Due To the Current Pandemic Situation, the Shipping Times Have Been Temporary Changed. Unfortunately, It Is Out Of Our Hands to Accelerate the Process So We Kindly Ask You For Your Patience.

Estimated Delivery Times Can Be Seen Below:

 Location Estimated Shipping Time*

United Stated & Canada

20-27 Days


15-25 Days

United Kingdom

15-25 Days

Mexico, Central & South America

20-27 Days

Australia & New Zealand

20-27 Days


15-25 Days

Humble Begginings

In 2022. we launched WristHeaven to disrupt the overpriced and oversaturated wrist watches market!

Our Mission

As a perfect gift for her or him, WristHeaven delivers premium, on trend wrist watches. We work together with some of the most popular brands as OLEVS, LIGE and POEDAGAR to offer top quality for the most affordable price possible.

Our Belief

WristHeaven was funded on the belief that style and luxury should not break the bank as we always strive to deliver premium customer service and experience.

Thank you for being a part of our 500k+ Team!